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### Multiline Text
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Two Double Bedroom House For Sale.
Ref: MSC Cherrywood
2 Double bedrooms
Lounge reception room
Family bathroom
Garage en-bloc
Allocated off-road parking
Low maintenance front & rear gardens
Sought after Painters Ash location
Very good transport links
Ideal for first-time buyers and downsizers
Short description
Meldone Estates are excited to offer to market this 2 double-bedroomed terraced house set in the popular area of Painters Ash, Northfleet. This spacious property offers a perfect blend of cosiness and quiet with the benefit of low-maintenance gardens.
Long Description
PLEASE NOTE - The agent dealing with this property is Mac Ref MSC Cherrywood Drive.
Cherrywood Drive is a lovely neighbourhood and this starter house would be perfect for those looking to move to a friendly and convenient area.
In our opinion, this property is perfect for those wishing to have a cosy home with an abundance of local amenities within walking distance. What’s not to love?
On entry through the porch, you will find a large reception room that leads to a great-sized kitchen/diner.
The stairs in the reception lead to the first floor landing. This spacious residence boasts two double bedrooms (both with built-in wardrobes), providing ample space for storage. There is a family bathroom with sink, shower and w/c for your convenience.
The front garden which is laid with artificial grass is perfect for low maintenance and has mixed flower and shrub planting.
Carefully selected plants and flowers create a charming outdoor space in the rear garden, perfect for relaxation and al fresco dining.
Embrace the convenience of a dedicated single garage en-bloc and allocated off-road parking.
Some words from the current owners
“Cherrywood Drive has been our family, forever home for 8 years so it definitely feels like home and it has been a joy and privilege to live here so long. Our neighbours over the years have become friends, giving us a warm sense of community spirit you may not find so prevalently elsewhere. We all look out for each other, with a friendly wave and chat and therefore crime in this area is extremely low.
It is a peaceful neighbourhood and the main benefits of living here is the handy parking, manageable front and rear gardens, generous room sizes and light which are light and airy.
There is a fantastic choice of good primary and secondary schools within walking, short cycle or drive away, which is ideal for those with school-aged children to consider.
A commuter coach service can be walked to in 5 minutes, for those having to travel into London, a leisurely way to get into Canary Wharf within an hour. Ebbsfleet International is close by and takes you into Stratford within 12 minutes and St Pancreas within 18 minutes, so location-wise, the options are endless. In 19 minutes you can be at Ashford International from Ebbsfleet, ideal for some retail therapy at Ashford Outlet Centre!
Having local shops in walking distance (Co-Op and Morrisons Daily), Post Office, Florist and takeaways and a Sainsbury’s supermarket within walking distance is a big plus of living here, especially with Bluewater a short drive away too.
For active sportspersons, we have Cygnet leisure centre within walking distance as well as Wombwell Park, where we used to play tennis and is a great area for family time.
We have been proud to live here and be part of the tight-knit community and we whole-heartedly hope that the next owners will be as happy here as we have been for years, but we have now outgrown the space as our family grows, and it is time to move on.”
This house is located in Northfleet and enjoys a location close to the Thames Estuary, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities along the riverfront. The area has seen efforts to enhance its waterfront areas for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.
Indulge in dining experiences at your local pubs and restaurants including The Painters Ash, Toby Carvery, Spring River by Marston’s Inns, Perry Café, Millbrook Garden Centre, all beautiful settings for enjoying meals or a leisurely cup of coffee with friends.
You will be spoilt for choice with larger supermarkets such as Sainsbury's on your doorstep and Lidl, Morrisons, and Asda all a short drive away.
Maintain a very active lifestyle with nearby Cygnets Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool, and outside green areas including the Wombwell Park and Wombwell Play area. These areas offer playgrounds, picnic spots, and open fields, providing recreational spaces for families and individuals alike. Why not practice your swing at Mid Kent Golf Club. Time for a new hobby perhaps?
Ebbsfleet International Rail station is 1.8 miles away (6 minutes drive) and has speedy services into Stratford within 12 minutes and St Pancreas within 18 minutes. Gravesend Town Centre and Railway station is 2.2 miles away (9 minutes’ drive) for (Charing Cross, Cannon St, London Bridge, and a fast train 26 minutes to London St Pancras). With easy access to the A2/M2 and M25 Interchange, Bluewater Shopping Centre is a short drive away with some superb facilities and restaurants.
Nearby schools and daycare centres include Northfleet Nursery School, Shears Green Infant School, Painters Ash Primary School, St Georges School, Northfleet School for Girls and Northfleet Technology College, all within walking distance. Please see School Checker for further information.
This property would suit a wide range of applicants including...
- Young families as schools are plentiful
- First-time buyers/downsizer buyers looking for a cosy house with manageable gardens
- Investors looking to lease a starter home in a fantastic area
Council Tax
Gravesham Borough Council – Band C
All photos and dimensions are for illustration purposes only. The buyer is welcome to survey and carry out their own searches.
Viewings are arranged strictly by appointment for pre-qualified buyers with Meldone Estates. If you would like to know more information or would like to arrange a viewing, please call Mac, ref MSC Cherrywood Drive.
Music credit - by Bensound
Music credit - by Bensound
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055_mobile.html =
Two Double Bedroom House For Sale.
Ref: MSC Cherrywood
2 Double bedrooms
Lounge reception room
Family bathroom
Garage en-bloc
Allocated off-road parking
Low maintenance front & rear gardens
Sought after Painters Ash location
Very good transport links
Ideal for first-time buyers and downsizers
Short description
Meldone Estates are excited to offer to market this 2 double-bedroomed terraced house set in the popular area of Painters Ash, Northfleet. This spacious property offers a perfect blend of cosiness and quiet with the benefit of low-maintenance gardens.
Long Description
PLEASE NOTE - The agent dealing with this property is Mac Ref MSC Cherrywood Drive.
Cherrywood Drive is a lovely neighbourhood and this starter house would be perfect for those looking to move to a friendly and convenient area.
In our opinion, this property is perfect for those wishing to have a cosy home with an abundance of local amenities within walking distance. What’s not to love?
On entry through the porch, you will find a large reception room that leads to a great-sized kitchen/diner.
The stairs in the reception lead to the first floor landing. This spacious residence boasts two double bedrooms (both with built-in wardrobes), providing ample space for storage. There is a family bathroom with sink, shower and w/c for your convenience.
The front garden which is laid with artificial grass is perfect for low maintenance and has mixed flower and shrub planting.
Carefully selected plants and flowers create a charming outdoor space in the rear garden, perfect for relaxation and al fresco dining.
Embrace the convenience of a dedicated single garage en-bloc and allocated off-road parking.
Some words from the current owners
“Cherrywood Drive has been our family, forever home for 8 years so it definitely feels like home and it has been a joy and privilege to live here so long. Our neighbours over the years have become friends, giving us a warm sense of community spirit you may not find so prevalently elsewhere. We all look out for each other, with a friendly wave and chat and therefore crime in this area is extremely low.
It is a peaceful neighbourhood and the main benefits of living here is the handy parking, manageable front and rear gardens, generous room sizes and light which are light and airy.
There is a fantastic choice of good primary and secondary schools within walking, short cycle or drive away, which is ideal for those with school-aged children to consider.
A commuter coach service can be walked to in 5 minutes, for those having to travel into London, a leisurely way to get into Canary Wharf within an hour. Ebbsfleet International is close by and takes you into Stratford within 12 minutes and St Pancreas within 18 minutes, so location-wise, the options are endless. In 19 minutes you can be at Ashford International from Ebbsfleet, ideal for some retail therapy at Ashford Outlet Centre!
Having local shops in walking distance (Co-Op and Morrisons Daily), Post Office, Florist and takeaways and a Sainsbury’s supermarket within walking distance is a big plus of living here, especially with Bluewater a short drive away too.
For active sportspersons, we have Cygnet leisure centre within walking distance as well as Wombwell Park, where we used to play tennis and is a great area for family time.
We have been proud to live here and be part of the tight-knit community and we whole-heartedly hope that the next owners will be as happy here as we have been for years, but we have now outgrown the space as our family grows, and it is time to move on.”
This house is located in Northfleet and enjoys a location close to the Thames Estuary, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities along the riverfront. The area has seen efforts to enhance its waterfront areas for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.
Indulge in dining experiences at your local pubs and restaurants including The Painters Ash, Toby Carvery, Spring River by Marston’s Inns, Perry Café, Millbrook Garden Centre, all beautiful settings for enjoying meals or a leisurely cup of coffee with friends.
You will be spoilt for choice with larger supermarkets such as Sainsbury's on your doorstep and Lidl, Morrisons, and Asda all a short drive away.
Maintain a very active lifestyle with nearby Cygnets Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool, and outside green areas including the Wombwell Park and Wombwell Play area. These areas offer playgrounds, picnic spots, and open fields, providing recreational spaces for families and individuals alike. Why not practice your swing at Mid Kent Golf Club. Time for a new hobby perhaps?
Ebbsfleet International Rail station is 1.8 miles away (6 minutes drive) and has speedy services into Stratford within 12 minutes and St Pancreas within 18 minutes. Gravesend Town Centre and Railway station is 2.2 miles away (9 minutes’ drive) for (Charing Cross, Cannon St, London Bridge, and a fast train 26 minutes to London St Pancras). With easy access to the A2/M2 and M25 Interchange, Bluewater Shopping Centre is a short drive away with some superb facilities and restaurants.
Nearby schools and daycare centres include Northfleet Nursery School, Shears Green Infant School, Painters Ash Primary School, St Georges School, Northfleet School for Girls and Northfleet Technology College, all within walking distance. Please see School Checker for further information.
This property would suit a wide range of applicants including...
- Young families as schools are plentiful
- First-time buyers/downsizer buyers looking for a cosy house with manageable gardens
- Investors looking to lease a starter home in a fantastic area
Council Tax
Gravesham Borough Council – Band C
All photos and dimensions are for illustration purposes only. The buyer is welcome to survey and carry out their own searches.
Viewings are arranged strictly by appointment for pre-qualified buyers with Meldone Estates. If you would like to know more information or would like to arrange a viewing, please call Mac, ref MSC Cherrywood Drive.
Music credit - by Bensound
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licensed real estate salesperson
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
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licensed real estate salesperson
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
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## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Mac Cheema Cherrywood Drive.