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Mac Cheema.

TEL; 07947 787006
E-Mail: mac.cheema@kwuk.com
WEB: www.kwuk.com
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE.html =
Mac Cheema.

TEL; 07947 787006
E-Mail: mac.cheema@kwuk.com
WEB: www.kwuk.com

After a considerable number of years in the property market, creating his own portfolio and transacting with commercial and residential sales and lettings, Mac felt it was time for him to explore further into the real estate business and create a business that he would be proud of and to transfer to his children. After experiencing various agents across the UK for sales and lettings and also being a tenant and a buyer, Mac has learnt considerable techniques that he feels benefitted him and also disappointed him. With that experience in mind Mac would like to deliver a service that he would be proud of and treat his customers personally and professionally.
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055.html =
4-bedroom detached house for sale

Tenure: Freehold
Short description

We are excited to present to the market this exceptional large and modern 4-bedroomed detached house, chain free and worthy of an immediate internal inspection. The agent dealing with this property is Mac, his direct extension number is 101.
Property description

Ground Floor
On entering the outside of the property, you arrive at the entrance hall. On this floor you will find a large lounge, modern kitchen open plan to dining room, conservatory, utility room, cloak room and separate study. From the kitchen there is an entrance that leads to the double garage which is currently used for storage and as a gymnasium. A central staircase will lead you to the first floor.

First Floor
There is a master bedroom with en-suite shower room and walk in wardrobe, two further double bedrooms (one of which is currently used for storage), plus a generous single bedroom and family bathroom/W.C including a shower.

There is a very secluded attractive rear garden with decking and patio area, wide side access leading to the front of the house in both directions. The front garden giving off road parking for several cars.

The current owners have taken this fantastic space and created a wonderful family home with an upgraded main bathroom which is now modern and contemporary.

Some words from the owners
We moved into Friston Way five years ago. With the property being our first home together, it soon became the perfect home. Tucked away in the corner providing extra privacy, the property offers ample amount of space, both indoors and the surrounding outdoor garden space. We decided to upgrade the main bathroom to something more modern and contemporary and also revived the decking area to ensure this is utilised a lot more during the summer months. The neighbourhood community are extremely friendly, and you feel safe knowing everyone is looking out for you, no matter what time of day. The Friston open park is a thirty second walk and is great to head out in the evenings for some fresh air! We’re proud to have maintained our home is such good condition and for another family to create special memories with their loved ones.

The property is located near the ever-popular area of City Way and Friston Park, close to quality local schools, A2/M2/M20 road links to London, Bluewater Shopping Centre and coast, the historic Rochester High Street with its range of quirky boutiques, restaurants, bars, River Medway, cathedral, Rochester castle and the station with its 35 minute fast trains to London is a brisk walk away. We recommend viewing at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.

A two-minute drive away is City Way, Rochester where you will find Asda, Lidl, Homebase, Pets at Home, Currys PC World, Tapi carpets and KFC to name but a few.

The property is within the catchment area of several reputable primary and secondary schools including Warren Wood Primary Academy (0.3 miles), Thomas Aveling School (0.4 miles) and Holcombe Grammar School (0.6miles) and also the very popular Kings School. (Please see school checker for more information)
This property would suit a wide range of applicants including...
- Professional couples
- A growing family
- Young families as schools are within walking distance
Rear Garden
Approximately 40ft
Mainly laid to lawn, decking, shingle, side access, outside tap, patio, outside lights.
Front Garden
Hard standing, flower beds, off road parking for three/four cars.
Double garage, up and over doors, light and power, door to garden.

Council Tax: Medway Council – Band E
All photos and dimensions are for illustration purposes only. The buyer is welcome to survey and carry out their own searches.

Viewings arranged strictly by appointment for pre-qualified buyers

Music credit Bensound
HTMLText_2F8A4686_0D4F_6B71_4183_10C1696E2923_mobile.html =
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Panorama list:
HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12_mobile.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_EA4506F7_FDA0_5CF1_41C2_BF883C7259BF.html =

After a considerable number of years in the property market, creating his own portfolio and transacting with commercial and residential sales and lettings, Mac felt it was time for him to explore further into the real estate business and create a business that he would be proud of and to transfer to his children. After experiencing various agents across the UK for sales and lettings and also being a tenant and a buyer, Mac has learnt considerable techniques that he feels benefitted him and also disappointed him. With that experience in mind Mac would like to deliver a service that he would be proud of and treat his customers personally and professionally.
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055_mobile.html =
4-bedroom detached house for sale

Tenure: Freehold
Short description

We are excited to present to the market this exceptional large and modern 4-bedroomed detached house, chain free and worthy of an immediate internal inspection. The agent dealing with this property is Mac, his direct extension number is 101.
Property description

Ground Floor
On entering the outside of the property, you arrive at the entrance hall. On this floor you will find a large lounge, modern kitchen open plan to dining room, conservatory, utility room, cloak room and separate study. From the kitchen there is an entrance that leads to the double garage which is currently used for storage and as a gymnasium. A central staircase will lead you to the first floor.

First Floor
There is a master bedroom with en-suite shower room and walk in wardrobe, two further double bedrooms (one of which is currently used for storage), plus a generous single bedroom and family bathroom/W.C including a shower.

There is a very secluded attractive rear garden with decking and patio area, wide side access leading to the front of the house in both directions. The front garden giving off road parking for several cars.

The current owners have taken this fantastic space and created a wonderful family home with an upgraded main bathroom which is now modern and contemporary.

Some words from the owners
We moved into Friston Way five years ago. With the property being our first home together, it soon became the perfect home. Tucked away in the corner providing extra privacy, the property offers ample amount of space, both indoors and the surrounding outdoor garden space. We decided to upgrade the main bathroom to something more modern and contemporary and also revived the decking area to ensure this is utilised a lot more during the summer months. The neighbourhood community are extremely friendly, and you feel safe knowing everyone is looking out for you, no matter what time of day. The Friston open park is a thirty second walk and is great to head out in the evenings for some fresh air! We’re proud to have maintained our home is such good condition and for another family to create special memories with their loved ones.
The property is located near the ever-popular area of City Way and Friston Park, close to quality local schools, A2/M2/M20 road links to London, Bluewater Shopping Centre and coast, the historic Rochester High Street with its range of quirky boutiques, restaurants, bars, River Medway, cathedral, Rochester castle and the station with its 35 minute fast trains to London is a brisk walk away. We recommend viewing at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.

A two-minute drive away is City Way, Rochester where you will find Asda, Lidl, Homebase, Pets at Home, Currys PC World, Tapi carpets and KFC to name but a few.

The property is within the catchment area of several reputable primary and secondary schools including Warren Wood Primary Academy (0.3 miles), Thomas Aveling School (0.4 miles) and Holcombe Grammar School (0.6miles) and also the very popular Kings School. (Please see school checker for more information)
This property would suit a wide range of applicants including...
- Professional couples
- A growing family
- Young families as schools are within walking distance
Rear Garden
Approximately 40ft
Mainly laid to lawn, decking, shingle, side access, outside tap, patio, outside lights.
Front Garden
Hard standing, flower beds, off road parking for three/four cars.
Double garage, up and over doors, light and power, door to garden.

Council Tax: Medway Council – Band E
All photos and dimensions are for illustration purposes only. The buyer is welcome to survey and carry out their own searches.

Viewings arranged strictly by appointment for pre-qualified buyers

Music credit Bensound
## Tour ### Description tour.description = Keller Williams. ### Title tour.name = INTEGRA-ESTATES